Monday 4 July 2016

MonsterChef Bournemouth

Our Chefs

1st round: Supermarket. £5; 5 minutes. Getting the ingredients.

Straight to the kitchen...

...but surprise! We switched the ingredients!

 Cooking time...

The making of Healthy Sandwich, by Carla de Ribot, Mikel Iniesta, Patricia Pérez, Mireia Sin
(Sorry there isn't a picture of the final version of the dish, we had a slight technical malfunction)

Flans swimming in a white sea. Made by: Laia Aragall, Jan Dols, Laia Morral, Oriol Sanz, Maria Trilla 

Tutti Frutti. Made by: Àlex Orriols, Oriol Rubio Ferran Ruyra, Arnau Simon

Surprise. Made by: Marina Buil, Arnau Figueras, Anna Jiménez, Marcos Ruiz-Flores, Natàlia Sin

Happiness. Made by: David Antón, Gerard Barriga, Albert Pérez, Joan Pérez 

Sweets. Made by: Laia Palomar, Judit Pardo, Isabel Rebés, Claudia de Torres, Mireia de Torres, Aina Tudela, Aina Vila

Fruit Flower. Made by: Mar Deus, Berta Figueras, Carlota Garcia, Gina Santana, Ona Zayas

Pascal. Made by: Irene Capell, Joan Iñíguez, Laia Marinel·lo, Marc Pascual, Jorge Rubirosa, Alex Saiz

Representatives of each team

Judges judging

Giving the final veredict. And the winner is...


The 2nd place goes to Sweets!

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